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The Benefits of Life Settlements

The Wharton School, one of the most respected business schools in the world, has investigated this unique asset class to such a degree that they've conducted three separate studies to date. As the industry was beginning to experience tremendous growth, the first study was published in 2002 and it showed how the secondary life insurance market benefits to seniors age 65 and older. The study stated that "more than 20% of policyholders over the age of 65 are estimated to hold policies whose economic values exceed their cash surrender values."  Also, an industry researcher concluded that the "potential market for life settlements could be as much as $100 Billion."  The study observed that seniors would do well by taking advantage of the secondary life insurance market and receive more for their policies than merely surrendering them back to the insurance companies.


The second study was published in 2009 and it projected the continued growth of the industry to $150 billion within a decade due to the historical  double digit returns that this asset class has experienced has and its non-correlation to typical asset classes held by investors such as stocks and real estate . The study went on to state that "the life settlement market has the growth, stability, regulatory oversight and acceptance both domestically and internationally to thrive."  It further predicts that "the key elements of portfolio diversification for sophisticated investors will be equities, bonds, commodities, real estate and longevity (life settlements)."


The most recent study conducted in 2012 focused on how the lapses of policies in the life insurance industry can be alleviated and further concludes that life settlements can help in reducing lapses while looking out for the consumer's welfare.

The Wharton School Studies



What is mostly unknown is that 90% of all life insurance policies lapse with trillions of death benefits never being paid! If an insured no longer can afford or want to pay their premiums, they simply surrender the policy back to the insurance company.  The development of the life settlements industry provides benefits to the senior who is able to realize a far greater value for themselves while living than simply surrendering the policy back to the insurance company.


The purchaser in life settlements is provided the opportunity to achieve higher rates of return in exchange for providing liquidity to the senior for their life insurance.  The purchaser further benefits from the non-correlation of this new asset class from traditional investments in stock and real estate markets and avoid its volatility and risks.  Simply, it provides the purchaser a new approach to hedge a portfolio through the addition of life settlements.





Speak with one of our licensed agents and learn more about this unique investment opportunity.  Call us at 888-666-4444


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